Western Business Casual

Something every high school student struggles with is the line between professionalism and basically whatever you call normal teenage behavior. Well actually, idk if everyone struggles with this, but I do okay, don’t judge. True talk I just tried to “command-S” this shit, wow I’ve been writing papers for school too much. Back to the point, I have my DECA States competition this weekend and I have been trying to get into business mode in order to prepare. Cause nationals are in Orlando people, fucking Disney World. In the DECA competition, if you aren’t business professional, you can kiss your chances of winning goodbye. So therefore, I have been in full business mode for the past week.

I literally went to go pick up pizza tonight and as I was waiting for it, ideas for marketing and sales went through my head. It’s a problem. Besides, the whole business thing, DECA is awesome because you are surrounded by a bunch of kids your age who are equally as uncomfortable in their heels or suit. Its like a convention full of raging teenage hormones and insane nerdiness. Side note, a commercial just came on for a new lifetime show about child birth in the wild, what has the world come to oh my god.

Clearly my mind is in a thousand places right now but moral of the story, learning how to be professional even in high school is always a good idea. You never know when an internship is going to come by or if you are even offered a job. And if you are in DECA, good for you. And if you are not, get your butt in the club dude cause its fun and you could potentially miss school for freaking Disney World. Like come on.

Quote of the Day: “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” -G. Washington

Driving Blind

Okay people of the world. I have one thing to say to you today. DO NOT drive with your freaking brights on oh my god. Do you realize that you are blinding me!?! Sorry the lights on my car are as bright as a 50 cent flashlight, but that doesn’t mean you get to rub your bright ass lights in my face. Ugh it agitates me beyond belief. So don’t do it. Thank you.

If you couldn’t tell I am very annoyed with many things recently. Trying to make up work from being from absent for a month has not proven to be easy. On top of that my new SAT tutor gave me 2 tests to take while she was away. No fucking way do I have time to do all my homework and 2 SATs, yeah no. Yet this stress is minding helping my grades, not gonna lie. I completely forgot I had a PreCalc quiz today on stuff I am clueless on. But I managed to pull an A out of my ass. Like how??? Go me *claps for myself*. And last night, my parents had another dreaded college conversation. I don’t think they get that in my mind I am going no where unless its Syracuse. If I don’t get in, I am becoming a hoodlum, its been decided.

Life is crazy right now, obviously. Even this blog post is all over the place. One thing is for sure though, I have realized that the only way one can enjoy life is if it is crazy. Whats a fun day without an exciting adventure? Yeah tough moments suck, like failing a test or cutting yourself shaving (it happens, okay). But then there are those moments that make us forget all of the bad things that have happened. I never understood this until this year. Junior year sucks, so so much. But every time I get a good grade, or go out with my friends, the stress is all worth it. In the end, it is only 180 days of torture.